Monday, 5 January 2015

JAWS & High concept films

JAWS is a high concept film. These are very similar films with recurring plot, character types etc. This means that:
-Recurring good vs Evil theme
-Death and Honour are themes
-One line pitch
-Easy iconography
-Easy marketability/appeal
-Culture neutral

By utilising promotional tools such as merchandising, advertising and hype building through magazines, headlines etc., film companies can gain an audience and fill seats in cinemas.

For example: Film posters uses one liners as their tagline, "why so serious?", in a way to make it memorable and give little away from the movie, intriguing audience to see the film. They often depict the conflict between two characters, whether it be actually showing the actors as their characters or through symbol such as the Batman logo, which is easily recognizable even when red (the colour of blood showing potential death) and we know he is the good guy, placed on the opposite end of the poster to the jokers eyes, which are a black colour, meaning there is conflict through the conflict and opposition. Easy to sell as superhero films have been sculpted to be the norm in blockbusters as people want to see these films for their fantasy appeal and stunning visuals.

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