Monday, 8 September 2014

1.1.2 - Week 2 Notes

--"MICRO"-- (Textual elements)
A film is a text, this is what makes up a film

Cinematography - The way a scene is shot




Meaning, characters:
Power? Relationships?
Woman appears in power over lawyer, older man (husband) is more powerful than her, shown by sound, loudest is more powerful
Camera follows husband, pans up to him, she reopens window

Centred chars show connection and authority, larger spaces show more actions/gestures, closeness to camera shows intensity and importance, boy kept in shot shows he is topic of conversation or at least significant, littlest space is kept for silent people, further away people have less importance or authority other a closer character, occupation of space in frame shows importance, distance shows relationship between characters

"Opposite sides? Oppose." - Difference of opinion

People between show "in between" the character's relationships or have significance to the scene (eg: the boy)

"Whatever we see is there to help reinforce the story"

"The power can change, we are able to move characters"

**Describe technique>Analyse meaning

"City is bigger than him, due to him losing money, city has beaten him"

Analysis is used to create meaning,
Blocking - MES? Or Cine?

**BLOCKING IS MES (Due to Spacing etc.)**


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